Tuesday 15 December 2015

House of Illustration & Folio Society Competition - War Horse Final Outcomes

I just had an induction in waterless lithography which is a print process I immediately took to, and thought that the textured and tonal appearance of the prints would suit the subject matter of War Horse. I decided to experiment with the process for my final prints and am really happy with how they look.

I coloured the prints using watercolour and added in some subtle tissue collage. They're all heavily textured which I think is pretty effective.

I'm not sure how well the three illustrations complement each other but I like the way they look anyway although my tutors were concerned that they weren't that legible.

I think the binding design is more well resolved than the illustrations. In general the outcome for the project could probably have been better but in general I'm pretty happy with what I produced in the given time and think it's quite an original take on the book. I'm looking forward to trying more lithography in future!

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