Sunday 24 April 2016

Artists Book - Springfield 1

Today is a good day! Finished all my work for my hand-ins and I'm really happy with how most of it looks. Now for some overdue blogging...

So I finished my Artists Book project which I'm pretty happy with. I decided that to get my idea across more clearly I should present my wooden triptych and concertina book as a backdrop to a shrine or personal altarpiece. I got this idea across in a pretty obvious but still effective way using candles and little pieces of stone and broken glass and ceramics I'd picked up from outside the house the project centres around.

 As an accompaniment to the shrine I made a little "bible" which incorporates textures from the house in a column structure. It was when I was looking at bibles for reference that I came up with the title for this project, "Springfield 1" which subverts the address of the house as a nod to bible passage titles - "John 3:16", "Genesis 1" etc. I'll do a proper in-depth post about my texture bible soon and the ideas and process behind it.

One of my favourite elements of my triptych is how it folds so neatly making it really portable. I'm really proud of how it looks and even though the construction was pretty simple, it has helped me gain more knowledge confidence in joinery.

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